Monday, May 27, 2019

Road to expert: My First Blog

Before I started this Blog, I had so many things in mind, I've done so many readings and researches on How to start Blogging, Blogging 101, How to write my first Blog, Etc. Etc...

 I can say that they were very informative, the articles that I've read helps me to create this platform, it also helps me to learn technical things such as creating a link on a logo and many more.

Most of us #Beginners, #nonexperienced, #notwriters want our first Blog to be noticed immediately,


We can not even decide what will be the right title of our Blog or the content of it.

So, here are my 3 personal tips on Hot to write your first BLOG.

1. Research - Learn your topic, make sure that what you are writing will be informative.

2. Be Cool - Just be your self, write what you want to say, try to write as if you are talking, Your post doesn't need to be so formal.

3. Make it simple - don't try to be so complex that the readers get confused about what you are really trying to say.

I have read so many articles that are so long and complex, and guess what, I didn't even understand its full content, I close it and look for another related article that is more simple and easy to understand.

I hope you found this post helpful in your #FirstEverPost.

Good luck!!

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